Enhancing Poultry Health: The Role of Immunomodulators in Boosting Immunity
In the world of poultry farming, ensuring the well-being of birds is pivotal for global food security. A crucial aspect of bird health lies in their immune status and robust immunity. The immune system in birds is fundamental in determining their susceptibility to diseases. This is where immunomodulators step in. Immunomodulators serve as specialized agents that regulate and modulate the immune system, thereby enhancing disease resistance and immunity in poultry. Their significance cannot be overstated as birds' growth, disease resistance, and overall production output hinge significantly on their health and immunity. The core objective of immunomodulation in poultry is to fortify resistance against various internal and external infectious agents and microbes. These agents bolster disease resistance and serve as viable alternatives to conventional additives like antibiotics and antimicrobials, improving feed quality in the process. Immunomodulators emerge as key players in ensur